So how did MotoJug come about. I’m a long distance and touring rider and one of my biggest complaints and concerns is how to stay hydrated while riding. Staying hydrated is so important while riding and is often overlooked. Some people ride and never drink besides when they stop which is a huge no, no. It can cause fatigue, dehydration and make you more susceptible to having an accident. When it comes to hydration while riding I’ve tried it all. Wearing a Backpack style hydration system, water bladder in the tank bag, cup holders on the handlebars with water bottles in them or water bottle cages on the crash bars etc. Long story short there is drawbacks to all of them.
Backpack style hydrations systems are probably the most common especially with the ADV Touring crowd but they have some serious drawbacks. One of the big ones is you end up carrying the weight on your shoulders. This can cause fatigue over time and is just not comfortable. They also do not allow air to flow underneath them due to being worn right against your back. They are not very convenient to fill and the bladders can be hard to clean. Also although some claim to be insulated they do not keep water as cold for as long as the MotoJug system.
Water bladders in the Tank bags have drawbacks also. One of the big reasons I don’t like them is because that’s where I keep all my important stuff and electronics. Also they do not hold very much water. Then they use the same type of bladder as a backpack style so you run into the same issues as you would when using the backpack style. Not as easy to fill up, or clean.
I often times ride my motorcycle to work from Utah to California and riding across the Mojave Desert in 110 degrees plus I can say that the MotoJug has literally been a lifesaver for me. It’s super easy to install on the bike and all you have to do to take it off the bike to fill it up is undo 2 buckles. Thats it. Takes 2 seconds and its ready to be refilled.
My wife Kim should get all the Credit for the MotoJug Hydration System. She works tirelessly building these to a standard that is well beyond most peoples capabilities. I’ve seen her completely start over or undo stitching and redo it it’s just not perfect… She works very hard to put out a great product and when you see it you will know. She also loves to hear the positive feedback from our Customers. When she reads about the quality and how much people enjoy using the MotoJug Hydration System it keeps her motivated to keep us going. Thank you to all of our Customers…